Tried the kitten swapping but it isn't working, at least for Fiona. Fiona, who was so attentive and wanted to help Helen while Helen was giving birth, now growls at Helen. Helen was gone for some time today and while waiting for her to come back I put her kittens with Fiona's. Fiona growled but conceded. Fiona did NOT like the smell of Helen's kittens. I suppose she would get used to it if I pushed it. I tried putting Helen's box right by Fiona's and putting all kittens with their own mommies, but with proximate boxes Helen started rejecting her kittens. When Helen's box was returned to her OWN closet in Nathanael's room, she was much more comfortable and will even nurse Fiona's kittens there. Neither wants to move. Eventually we are going to have to put both mommies in the shed so I am hoping we get them used to living with each other. I may have to stay home that weekend if they aren't at that point.
Easter weekend we are supposed to be in W.Va. I like to visit but to be quite honest I don't look forward to the pastor's sermons at their church. Their church does not set the standard that it should. It strays way from God's word. A lot of people, media, institutions, etc. adapt to the trends of the day. A church should be constant. Steve doesn't like Pastor Linda's sermons, either. I just don't feel right there. Our pastor, Pastor Curry, is SO true to God's word. He is such a loving person, one reason I've stayed with that church for so long. He stays true to his convictions and his understanding of the Bible no matter what the consequences are. He doesn't sway with ideas and philosophies of the day. I could stay on this soap box but I won't. But don't misunderstand- that man is one of the most non-judgmental people I know. He loves people but does not condone certain teachings or actions. There's a huge difference.
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