Sunday, January 23, 2005

Don't get Sprint. I now loathe that company with a passion. Don't get me started! It's a long story but i canceled because of their CRAPPY customer service, then they wait 2 months and charge me a cancellation fee! STUPID company. Is their competition this bad? I can't imagine Sprint remaining in business with such terrible service. Years of miserable customer service. I have NEVER known any other company with such shitty customer service. Utterly noncommunicative, with wrong information with each office you're transferred to, people who won't or can't do anything to help you. Maybe since I'm just one person out of millions...they don't care to lose me...but oh they sure want my money any way they can get's not that I'm even opposed to overage charges, fee for this, fee for that, etc. It's the sneaky, underhanded way they slip those things in your bills without telling you! For YEARS I've been arguing over "what's this charge?" on my bill, I never ordered this, never ordered that...they are the WORST company ever. I can't believe they haven't gone the way of Enron. I guess crappy CS isn't as bad as crappy accounting in their eyes. I can't believe they don't lose more customers. The only possible explanation is that the other companies are just as bad and I just can't fathom that possibility.

What's YOUR experience with a lousy company?


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