Tuesday, December 07, 2004

That Aromatic Boy Smell

Well I posted this over in another group I belong to- we moms were all discussing messy boy rooms- how we deal- anyway, this is what I said.

Definitely a member here of the stinky boys club. Rooms have been nasty for years. Not to mention the little creatures from outer space called friends. My younger son has 2 friends who don't like each other. And when either is over here they destroy the room a hundred times over. It was bad enough with my son, who LOVES to collect "valuable bottles" and stuff from the trash- cleans out old beer cans, bottles, etc. and says "I can sell this on e-bay for $20!" right...anyway he has this display of old stuff on his shelves. Over the years he and his friends have poked holes in the walls with I don't know what, light sabers? There's a huge hole in one of the walls and now we have to replace the whole piece of drywall. (sigh) Not to mention the scuff marks, the spills, the snuck in food...oh yes, the PS2 (which his friend gave him in exchange for a pea shooter), the TV, the endless barrage of electronic garbage...I've had it. I constantly throw stuff out but that junk, the toys, the piles of parts that once belonged to something...they reproduce...he's destroyed a dresser, two bed frames, all kinds of stuff...I mean he doesn't even deliberately do it. It's just a part of existence for him...he just walks into a room and stuff falls apart. All except for the army of Lego things he has, I think I have about one million Lego blocks in my house. How the heck do those tiniest ones creep out all over the house into MY bathroom so I step on it first thing in the morning? Oh, the boy smell!!! Socks hanging from the fan blades- he likes to fling the socks off the blades as the fan is running. I love little boys SO MUCH despite the endless chatter which consists of about 3 words: fart, butt, and penis.

When they get to be teenagers it gets even crazier. I JUST remodeled my 15-year-old's room and he has uncompleted projects everywhere, old clothes spontaneously generating out of corners. I'm afraid to find out what's in some of those corners! Will it bite me?! Are there ogres and gremlins hiding under his desk? Moldy food? Well I do clean every now and then (when I have to go in there and do it correctly since his idea of cleaning is different from mine) and I've got an awesome kid- never any pot, cigarettes, crack, pipes, condoms, guns, knives, porn, or anything else! Not that I am even suspecting that kind of stuff- he's pretty straight and narrow-

They're messy but I just can't complain too long about my kids.


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