I posted this in a newsgroup in response to someone commenting about the Democratic party- why they have lost most Americans- Pardon, please, the lack of correct caps and punctuation- I was hurrying.
A (OK, admittedly, it was British) magazine ran the headline "How can 59,054,087 people be so DUMB?" This was my response to puzzled Democrats as well as those confused Europeans who don't understand the culture and issues here.
Democrats alienate people by doing exactly this- calling 59,054, 087 people DUMB. Although I have an IQ of 140 and gave a very cohesive, well-written reason why I voted for him, which I posted earlier, SOME of the Dems are running home with their tail between their legs calling me dumb. WELL I GUESS DAMMIT I'M DUMB, THEN.
The Democrats are NO LONGER the party of the people. They are no longer the FDER Democrats, the Truman Democrats, or even the Kennedy Democrats. They are special-interest democrats, suburbanite democrats, feminazi democrats, agenda-ridden democrats, Blueblood democrats from the East, or Hollywood democrats from California. Did you notice Edwards could not even take his own state? NO southern state went for Kerry. The south used to be teeming with democrats- the PEOPLE's party, and most of the house and senate from the south was at one time composed of democrats. Even in 1984 about 3/4 of the senators of the south were dems. As of 2 days ago about 1/5 are. Dems are now out of touch with the south and midwest, they barely ever take any of those states. The ridicule Christianity or make a mockery of it. (That just doesn't jibe well with the 1/3 of Americans who profess to be Evangelical Christians.)They are arrogant baby boomers who have gone to Yale and Harvard. Look up some of Zell Miller's speeches- a lifelong Democrat who regrets seeing the changes in his party. The party that NO LONGER appeals to the regular people, working people, the VERY people they were originally the party of. They are OUT of touch. It's clear that a majority of Americans do not want the agenda the current Democratic party proposes. Many Democrats may even have some pretty good ideas, which are overshadowed by the ones with singular agendas, be it unrestricted abortion or the gay agenda. People would like to vote in favor of their strong unions, but why must THAT be tied to partial birth abortion? People in unions aren't usually for destroying babies in this obscene manner. That's ONE example of democrats being WAY out of touch with the people. Roosevelt and Truman are turning over so fast in their graves they look like rotisserie chickens.
That party's great "get out the vote campaign" failed, too. Paris Hilton and 50 Cent, who wore those annoyingly infamous"vote or die" shirts, did not EVEN VOTE. If you're a democrat, LOOK to your party. Give it back to the PEOPLE and not pompous elitists who disdain these old-fashioned values and family morals that, like it or not, so MANY AMERICANS are about, even if you are not. If you Democrats don't do that soon you are going to be a DEAD party.
Ok, I will do my best to answer this being that I am a democrat and I will word it carefully knowing that we are on differant sides of the vote.
First off, I feel it necessary to point out that if we toss the electoral college (like I wish we would in real life) the vote was terribly close. Bush didn't take it by a landslide at all. He had 51% of the popular vote. I don't see that as Democrats losing the people. Colorado was the closest it has ever been in my memory to NOT being a republican electoral state. As a matter of fact we sent in a Democratic (Hispanic) senator to washington and overturned soundly the republican held house and senate on the local level. Gov. Owens better watch out because he is next.
About Christianity. It is my stance that religion needs to be out of government. Bush freaks me out horribly because he wants to imply his religious beliefs on everyone. Not good. America is a melting pot, and the government should busy itself with policy decisions and leave religion to the church where it belongs! That man needs to keep his christianity off of the Jews, the Buddists, the Hindus, the Muslims, the Unitarians and the Wicca and the Agnostics and the Atheists and all those other religions that I don't even know about.
All the sentiment you feel about the Democratic Party I feel about the Republican Party. I think they are WAY to conservitive, way to judmental, way to eager to shut down too many things. I think they are radical. I would like to see a more moderate congress because moderates seem more capable of seeing the middle ground. No radical agenda can best serve all citizens of the USA, we are very blended.
Here in Colorado the party lines are divided like this. Rich upperclass religious types who act oh so superior - republican.
Working middle class and lower middle class, even the poor (the hispanic community is very prominant here) and the African-Americans are Democrats. My best friend who is Jewish - Democrats, my fabulous freinds who are gay - (and feel rather discriminated against) Democrats. You know, change Homosexual to Black, or Jewish, or hispanic and the statements against Gay this or Gay that show their true colors as discriminitory and bigoted.
Moral and family values need to be taught by the FAMILY not the GOVERNMENT. Bush needs to get his head out of his rump, get off his superiority kick and realize he is is at the helm of a BLENDED country. He scares the crap out of me with his agenda that doesn't even come close to representing me or the majority of people I know.
To me the pompus elitists are the Republicans. What you see as disdain for family values I see as respect for others point of view. We can't have our way 100% of the time but Bush is ready to stomp all over people to enforce his religious agenda. Evangelical christians are way to radical to be in charge of everything (anything?). Relgion is for church, start there. If the churches were doing their job then perhaps there wouldn't be all this 'immorality'. Values are not the jobs of the schools or the governing bodies. It is my responsibility as a parent. Perhaps if less families HAD to have 2 incomes we would see more stay at home parents. But that is a whole 'nother post. ;-)
About the statement 'It's clear that a majority of Americans do not want the agenda '. If the vote were more lopsided I could see this. But it was so split down the middle. 51% to 48%. Only 3.5 million people differance, that is maybe a one or two city differance and is statistically insignificant. No clear nothin'.
And at least we agree on one thing - Paris Hilton is ummmm not what I would call quality. Eek.
Thanks for your comments. I do agree with a lot of them. I can see how Dems could see the Republicans this way as well. Believe me- I have 2 very liberal democrat parents and a very liberal democrat brother and we discuss this a lot. :)
I guess one of the points that I am making is that, like it or not, there are so many Evangelical Christians, and conservative Catholics, that make up such a huge part of the constituency, that if any party wants to get someone elected, they need to make themselves accessible to those same people. If they do not at least try to communicate to those vast swaths small-town America in the south and the heartland, the urban centers are not going to be enough.
A lot of Hispanics are now voting "conservative" too, because though they like the economics of the Democratic party, they perceive a lot of social engineering tactics which go against their traditional beliefs. Also, the Cuban vote almost always goes pretty much Republican. And a lot of Floridians have voted Republican this year, maybe due to the rapid hurricane response (no doubt the response was all that quicker since it helped George)...my friend I went with to Bush's rally is from Costa Rica- very staunch Catholic- and a teacher (they traditionally go Democrat, too, because of the NEA candidate endorsements are normally Democrat).
There are some awesome Democrats in Ohio and elsewhere that I would vote for at any time. However, as a whole, the candidates the Democratic party puts out there have a hard time connecting with the people whose votes they need. Whether you're one of those heartland, sorta corn-fed type of Evangelical Christian Americans or not, this is very objective observation. THOSE are MUCH of America and no party can do without their votes.
Equally, the Republicans cannot do without the black vote.
I see that the Republican party has had a hard time connecting with Blacks, too, traditionally, and due to this old-time reputation some blacks think they're racist, old white boys. But it's changing. MANY blacks in Ohio are Republican, including one of my best friends Karl. We have several in our city council, some who are Steve's friends, and Ken Blackwell, whose wife I once worked for, is going to run for governor in 2006 and I am seriously considering working on his campaign. He is THAT good of a man. He's a Republican who REALLY connects to the blacks in the urban center and is well-known and respected. Ken and Rosa Blackwell are pretty much shining stars in this area. I realize they're only human but they've done a lot for the inner city in Cincy making people work together instead of further prosletyzing (as some politicians do) to the black community that they are so disenfranchised that they might as well just get welfare forever and all white people in power hate them and any black person who succeeds is just an uncle Tom.
More later.
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