Monday, November 01, 2004

People have GOT to stop blaming W for job loss (of which many, but not all, have been gained back), outsourcing, hurricanes, and all-around bad hair days.

9-11 preceded the huge loss of jobs. It started with airlines and other related industries, and dominoed to everything else. Not to mention the dot com bubble burst earlier, during the Clinton administration, and I remember thinking then: They are going to blame the next president, whether its Gore or Bush, for this. And they have. But how can you ever blame 1 person for any of this?

Outsourcing- it's economics- if we have a strong dollar then as soon as whatever technology becomes doable in large quanties in little time, which is always bound to happen the better it gets, then any company's going to outsource. It would be nice if companies cared enough about their people to keep them and pay them 5 or 10 times what they pay someone in India or Korea. But it's economics and it won't happen. I've seen it happen several places I've worked and known people who have been gravely affected by all of these circumstances. I wish there were some one person to blame but there isn't. If you have a strong dollar the company's going to pay someone in a weaker currency. The Japanese complained years ago when THEIR jobs were outsourced to us (and so many still are). I don't think, now, that you can have it both ways. We can't have foreign investment in our country employing many Americans, and then say American companies won't employ cheaper labor overseas. Cincinnati would be in a bad way if Toyota, Usui, Makino, and so many other Japanese companies decided they'd only employ Japanese in Japan...I know it sucks so bad for so many Americans who lose their jobs to Mexico or Ireland or China where we can pay someone in another currency, they spend the currency in their own country which buys a comparable lifestyle to what the American who was paid in dollars was living. It just really sucks for people who had it good for a long time and then had the rug pulled out from under them. But there's just no one to blame. People blame Bush. Some people even could blame Kerry whose wife's company has about 1000 branches in England, France, India, etc. etc. etc., employing a whole lot of people who aren't American.

I'm not even a Republican. I'm independent. I vote for protecting little ones. I've seen there are a few Democrats that are for this as well. From Ohio, Mark Brown, or Sanders, for example. Kentucky's Ken Lucas. I could even go for some "liberal" ideas. But Bush has done a lot for me and others. He's paid my husband well in Iraq. Women are going to school and voting in Afghanistan. Saddam who killed over 200,000 people in Iraq is gone. He signed the ban on PBA and passed the Born Alive Infant act. His Spanish is pretty good (not perfect-his brother's is better) and is really sensitive to the Latino community. He bumbles sometimes, isn't much of a debater, and has goofy facial expressions. So it isn't cult of personality that keeps him going. He underwent a spiritual, Christian transformation and rededication in his life, so I think he has a genuinely good heart and cares about people. He's not a great military strategist but surrounds himself with a great team whose members are, like Condi Rice. He's sent me back a good chunk of my money- may be chump change to some but it really helped me. So yes, he has my vote.


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