Thursday, November 09, 2006

I feel pretty inert. Not good. I want to be moving more.

Last night I read a bunch of Acts. I really felt I was there, and having more life experiences behind me I was able to really feel what was going on with Paul, knowing more about Greek and Roman culture than the last time I really read through Acts- the descriptions of the places and ships and people really came clear to me. I wish I had been with my parents when they went through some of the arenas where Paul preached (and some from which he escaped). That guy was really amazing and the fact that he went back over and over to cultivate the churches, stop rumors and slandering and backstabbing, pray and even be under house arrest and just keep going on and on, only God could make a person not want to give up. The Temple of Artemis (Diana) was soooo huge...he was in huge trouble there because when he preached about God, people stopped buying statues of Diana which wasn't good for the sellers of these statues to tourists- Paul got into trouble but over and over he was turned over to this magistrate, then that one, and he was so convincing they either converted or persecuted him. The Sanhedrin really pitched a fit over Paul considering he was once quite the devout Pharisee.


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