Thursday, July 27, 2006

Well after vacation I'll be looking for another cat. Probably a grown female to lay around on my bed all day and to keep Tommy company. A spayed one, most likely.

I didn't catch up on this earlier, but Luna decided she just would rather be feral. She liked laying on the bed and sitting in the windowsill, but didn't like the concept of a litter box or even of going to the bathroom indoors. And she just couldn't like Tommy. She decided she'd rather live in the park. Not the same park where I found her, but in and near Warder. She was very unhappy living inside four walls. So she's the kind who won't be afraid of you if you see her outside, and will come to you for a bite to eat, but won't stay in a house all the time nor tolerate any other cats.

So I will be looking for a more tolerant cat. I like torties and callies and all of them for that matter. I like a cat that's a little bit vain and a little bit playful.

Tommy is the most playful cat we've ever had, more even than Oreo (the one we called "bounce").


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