Friday, October 15, 2004

In a few hours I'll be off to Japan. I'm seizing the opportunity to do this even though financially I'm really putting a strain on my family. Even though I'm NOT paying my plane fare. I'll be getting stuff for people, etc. My job's been a financial strain in that it's NOT regular, and I just really need to work more every day. And I want to. It's a strain in that sometimes I have to wait and pay the bills cause I get paid only once per month. And it's snapped up like that. I need a job soon that's going to give me some 401K options or something- I need to start putting away $$ for Nathanael and also the education Steve needs to boost him up a level in his job (long story). Anyway, I'll try to blog from Japan. I don't know how my host family is computer-wise. Like most Japanese families I think they probably use computers at work but not in every home like so many Americans. We'll see.
Gerry fired Michi yesterday and though Michi was deserving of some of the stuff that happened to him (by hitting on every single female student, it seems, a time or two with success...). But sometimes I do think that if Gerry had better rapport with the employees he'd have less turnover. I mean now he has a couple of stable people as teachers but they and so often others use Conversa as a stopover, a filler, until they get another job. Rafael and Azza, no. Rafael worked there for years and Azza will still be working there ten years after she's dead. And I...I continue off and on...if I were assured I'd get more opportunities instead of being promised so much only to have the tablecloth slipped out from under me, I'd make more of a commitment to stay. As it is, the way Gerry's personality runs that place, no one knows anything at all from day to day. At this point in the business he should have a much broader network and have expanded more. He has GOT to work on cultivating his network and clientele. And let people do their job instead of micromanaging or overlecturing. He needs to listen more, too. (sigh) Even his WIFE and I talk about this!


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