Friday, October 15, 2004

Lost in Yonkers

Nathanael and I went to see his school's production of the play. It was magnificent. Those kids did a great job. One in particular stood out. Anna Gorman who played the old Yiddish grandmother. She was utterly magnificent. That girl will have a career in Hollywood. Every nuance, the accent, the body language, everything captured the essence of the old woman. She was perfect. Most of the other acting was fine but not stellar like hers. The boy who played the dad, he was really good, too. Very good. But it's the grandmother who was definitely the show-stealer. This little girl is only about 15 or 16. How can a young girl from Finneytown, Ohio capture the essence of a bitter old Yiddish grandma in Yonkers. I think Neil Simon himself would have chosen this girl. Kudos.


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