Thursday, December 09, 2004

Busy day at work. I'm doing Azza and Steph's stuff. Steph's health is a wreck, poor thing, but we can't keep all these projects in the air. When she is well we will send her to interpret but not manage projects. Sorry but some of the ones she did manage were not done right and we even backaudited and had to contact customers about this. I was the one that did that auditing but I don't want to get all high and rigteous either. Every time I feel that little itch to step on someone helpless or use their weakness to get ahead, oh YES we all have it, don't deny it! anyway, I pray about it. I know it's been done to me and I know how it feels. So anyway...I need to pray to hang onto that self-control, tolerance, and acceptance that I screw up just as much as anyone, if not more. I try to do my best and cover all bases and I don't want to just pass out free credit to others if I deserve it, because that's not right either, but there is a saying...the best things you do are the things you do in secret, with no one but God looking, and no one but God will EVER know about it.
I have an interpretation way down in Cynthiana early tomorrow, could find no one else to do it with me (they need 2) and then bang, last minute Chris's 2 appointments were cancelled, and he can do it. First time doing this type of thing for him. I have to know what I'm doing and so often I don't. I never know what I'm walking into. Anyway this one guy Claudio was going to go, then he decided at the last minute he didn't want to drive that whole way (he lives in Oxford)...waited until 5:20 to tell us, and so we were left high and dry and it looked like I'd have to go myself. That after giving my OTHER appointment to someone else even though it should be me, but I have more experience in courts (huyeah, right)...and anyway we were scrambling and scrambling and of the dozen or so appointments tomorrow those very 2 were cancelled...can you believe it divine providence? Could very well be! Divine coincidence? This little miracle saved me lots of time and effort. I really hope all goes well tomorrow and I will pray about it. In the meantime during Azza's absence I assign other people to their translation and interpretation places. I know Rosario's job so I can follow a job now through the beginning quote until its closure, looking at all the people through whom it passes. Every day things are more and more cohesive.

Alas Micah indeed has strep- culture came back positive (orinally a false negative, just like the very first false negative with him- MY PREGNANCY with him)- that explains the headaches, the throataches, the eyeaches, especially in the mornings. He didn't have much of a fever. But now he's already on the amoxicilin and is really feeling much more chipper. :) I had especially worried about those headaches since they were back of the head headaches, not run-of-the-mill sinus ones like I get. He was out of school 2 days this week and returned today. Now he's his usual big bad little old cute self.


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